Minister Farrakhan issues challenge to Trump, White America and Black America in return to Detroit
By Askia Muhammad -Senior Editor-

DETROIT—The 23rd anniversary of the Million Man March (MMM) and Holy Day of Atonement, with the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan at the Aretha Franklin Amphitheater here Oct. 14, was itself like another holy day.
And then, there was a miracle of sorts. The Weather Channel had predicted for two weeks that there would be rain in Detroit on Oct. 14. The temperature was a brisk 52 degrees Fahrenheit when the program began. When Min. Farrakhan entered the arena 45 minutes later, wearing a brown suit and gold bowtie, the temperature had increased to 54. The Minister assured the audience that “the God we serve is the master of climate and climate change,” promising that it would soon “heat up.”
Sure enough, within four minutes the thermometer had climbed to 55 degrees, and just seven minutes later, the temperature was 57, where it remained for the duration of the Minister’s remarks, remarks he concluded with a warning that if America does not atone to the Black descendants of slaves in this country and to Native Americans who were annihilated in the conquest of this country, climate calamities and extreme weather would continue, and get worse, with devastating earthquakes which would flatten entire cities, yet to come.
“I’ve been telling you for three years. Now, watch the weather,” the Nation of Islam (NOI) minister warned. “Now watch. This is my backup,” he said, gesturing to poster-size portraits of Master Fard Muhammad and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who he insisted, are masters at controlling the weather and natural calamities. Detroit is the birthplace of the NOI. It was here that Master Fard Muhammad, founder of the movement, met and taught then Elijah Poole.
In 1934, Master Fard Muhammad “disappeared,” and one year later the Honorable Elijah Muhammad relocated the NOI headquarters to Chicago.
“Your suffering is not because you, or your parents did something wrong,” Min. Farrakhan assured the attentive audience. No, the suffering and affliction was prophesied, he explained. “After that time I (God) would come, first to judge the nation which afflicted you, then to raise the nation of Black, Brown, and Red (people), like dry bones in the valley.”
The 1995 Million Man March, Min. Farrakhan explained, was intended to lead Black men into “atonement, reconciliation and responsibility” for their own lives and for their families. “Those three words are the root of why we’re here today.”
Whites directing affairs of Blacks is over!
Decorating the stage—with the scenic river view, and occasional Canadian Steamship Lines transports gliding silently by in the background—were the two spiritual, soulful portraits of Aretha Franklin which were “divine,” and which appeared on the cover, and on the page accompanying Min. Farrakhan’s tribute to Ms. Franklin in the memorial edition of The Final Call newspaper.
“One God, One Faith, One Baptism” are the words in one of her portraits as well emblazoned on the podium of Greater Grace Temple Church of God in Christ (COGIC), where Bishop Charles Ellis III, former Presiding Bishop of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, is the pastor. Ms. Franklin’s home going service was held at Grace Temple on Aug. 31, and it was there that Bishop Ellis took Min. Farrakhan by the hand to a seat on the dais which had his name on it, next to the Revs. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and former President Bill Clinton.

There was a flurry of concern at the time—“especially White folks”—wondering how Min. Farrakhan got seated on the stage. At the same time there was little public concern that Michigan’s Republican Governor Rick Snyder was an honored guest. Gov. Snyder was part of a “genocidal plot,” which was responsible for the crippling water crisis which literally poisoned thousands of people in nearby Flint, Mich., and which led to criminal prosecutions of several state employees. “You ought to shut your mouth,” Min. Farrakhan said to those critics. “Your day of directing our affairs is all over!”
In the cities of Detroit and Chicago, Master Fard Muhammad, and the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad played a role in the establishment of proper education systems for Black youth Min. Farrakhan explained. “The Honorable Elijah Muhammad paid a price for you to have an independent Afro-centric education today. Someone paid a price!”
In both Detroit and in Chicago, both Master Fard Muhammad and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad were jailed because they took the Muslim children out of the public schools to be taught in the Muhammad University of Islam. Master Fard Muhammad and the Hon. Elijah Muhammad were also both run out of Detroit by their enemies who did not want Islam established in the hearts and minds of Black people. And those two cities, said Min. Farrakhan, can “turn the whole nation (of Black people) around.”
The value of women

After confessing that he cried, watching the testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford concerning now Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, the Muslim leader taught about the sacredness of the woman, and even the artistic, violin playing component in his own personality. Dr. Ford accused Mr. Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when they were in high school years ago. The #MeToo movement founded by Tarana Burke, a Black woman, has catapulted the very real scourge of sexual assault, sexual misconduct and abuse of women and girls into the spotlight. During his remarks, the Minister stressed upon the value and sacredness of the female and how God views her.
“Sisters, you are a universe within yourself. You are a world within yourself. The worst mistake you make is when you open your legs and let a man take advantage of you and leave you with a baby. You really need God in your life, and not a spook god.”
His goal is “showing women their place, not as a woman of man, but as a woman of God!” the Minister said. The female vaginal track is “the road to the workshop of God.” That workshop is the womb, where the answer to every single prayer is produced in the form of a person born of a woman who answers the prayer or solves the problem.
“Breast cancer is a scourge, which someone needs to come up with a cure for. How will that happen? It will be answered from the womb of a woman, a child.
“Every great person came from your womb,” and we all must “make death for those who violate that sacred place.” The Muslim leader mused that he is called “misogynist.” “I had to look it up.” But, he said as he was taught by Mr. Elijah Muhammad, “every knock is a boost,” and he thanked his critics, especially the Jewish persons who have falsely accused him of being anti-Semitic, for making his name known all over the world.
“You cannot find one Jew, on whose head one hair has been harmed, or one synagogue which has been defiled,” by anyone associated with the Nation of Islam. “They call me anti-Semitic. No! You are anti-Black.”
Min. Farrakhan said he believed Dr. Blasey-Ford’s testimony and he called the situation she endured, a “real injustice.”
“That lady was a victim of something,” the Minister said. If Mr. Kavanaugh had apologized for his alleged conduct, Dr. Blasey Ford likely would have forgiven him. Mr. Kavanaugh has denied all allegations against him, the Minister said.
“When that woman stood up and went through the horror of what Mr. Kavanaugh is alleged to have done to her, she had to relive it, because that kind of thing—when you experience it, you don’t forget that.
“Your sacredness has got to be respected by yourself,” Minister Farrakhan said to women. “Every prophet of God was born from your womb. Women are sacred. If you don’t see that, Satan has robbed you of the knowledge of who you are.” To the men, the Minister said: “We are busy destroying the virtue of our women.” He said men must be the protectors of women.” Men and women must avoid thinking that fast sex is the path to true love or intimacy.
“As fast as sex is over, that’s how fast marriage ends, because it was never love, it was always lust. After the lust is completed, then what? Have you ever wondered if there’s more to life than this?”
Min. Farrakhan also addressed rapper Kanye West, who has come under blistering criticism for his support and meeting with President Trump. Min. Farrakhan said the rapper was right in saying the 13th Amendment is a trap door. It outlaws slavery, except as punishment for commission of a crime, he said. (See Final Call pages 16 and 17 for more coverage.)
To President Trump, Min. Farrakhan said the time is coming soon, when he and key figures must talk to him. The Minister said he is loathe going to the White House, but announced that his address is at 4855 South Woodlawn Avenue in Chicago, and that Trump administration officials can meet with him there.
“I’m saying to Mr. Trump, ‘You’re planning genocide.’ I want you and the people of God to watch how God is working. When earthquakes come, we’ve got to talk about letting Black people go. A few Negroes in high places is not atonement,” not sufficient reparations for White America’s sins.
“We’re ready to serve. We’re ready to help clean up, along with our Moorish Science brothers, and all those who mean well. The Nation of Islam is the hope of our people,” Minister Farrakhan said in his conclusion. “We are not trying to make you a Muslim. You are already one. You just don’t know it yet.”

Sonya Weaver, owner of Deals with BOB (Black Owned Businesses) was elated that she accepted the invitation from Student Minister Troy Muhammad of Muhammad Mosque No. 1 to hear Min. Farrakhan. His coming back to Detroit, and his focus on the woman and Black unity touched her deeply, she told The Final Call.
“I’m excited, because I feel a shift. I’ve been feeling a shift in my spirit for the last couple years, knowing that I had a mission, a purpose, and assignment pertaining to God’s people, and knowing that it was a time for them to stop wandering in the wilderness, and take their place in the promised land that has been given to them,” said Ms. Weaver.
“What really stood out to me was men understanding their role as strong men and women understanding their role as beautiful women, and each other understanding that, respecting, and protecting it,” she stated.
“When he said men protect women and women protect one’s self, that just resonated with me the most, because if we just get back to the basics, everything else kind of falls into place. It’s not that difficult,” the young entrepreneur stated.
“I thought it was one of the most motivating speeches that I’ve heard,” shared Michael Roberts, Sr., chairman and CEO of Roberts Riverwalk Hotel. “He sent a tremendous message, calling for the people of Detroit to really continue to work to make Detroit number one again. He gave a historical perspective of Detroit and the origin of how Black folks got here,” said Mr. Roberts.
“The Minister did a fabulous job of bringing attention to prospects and the possibilities … I’m delighted to be here. I am very happy that this was the location for the 23rd Anniversary of the Million Man March, and I’m particularly happy that it launched with planning in my hotel,” Mr. Roberts added, referring to a town hall in its newly renovated Grand Ballroom.
“Wonderful,” exclaimed Donetta Simpson in a word to describe her experience. “He’s saying that we all need to stand up as our own Black people, and stop wanting someone to give us a hand and that it’s our moment at this time, and that we can change our condition,” continued the non-party affiliated candidate for Congress.
“We can change our neighborhoods. We can change the language to come off our tongues. We can change the way we live, eat, drink and treat each other! But we can’t do it without us getting into our own self-government,” Ms. Simpson added. (Starla Muhammad and Charlene Muhammad contributed to this report.)